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About The Club

Laurie moved to Lewes in January, 2022 from Florida, knowing virtually no one. She had been part of a movie club before, although we met during COVID, and our group never really jelled. 

She has always loved discussing movies, and comparing the acting, storyline, cinematic techniques and other notable aspects. 

Once Laurie was settled in her new home, she posted the idea on Next Door, and within three days, over 40 people expressed interest!  Our first meeting was held at Panera Bread and we discussed the basic format of the group, agreed on no horror movies, and started to meet by May 2022. Our personal information was collected, and over time, Laurie dispelled the use of Next Door and have become an “ email only “ communication group. 

We now have a core group of members. During the winter months and inclement weather we meet in a private room at The Wheelhouse. They are nothing but accommodating.  During warmer weather, we meet outdoors, bringing our own dinner, in George H.P. Smith park. It’s nice to meet a group of like minded people, and we have had some very good discussions.  We have also seen some lesser known movies from many years ago.  

As we move into our second year, we are considering comparing genres of movies, and we are always open to new ideas. We have accomplished having this website, and the use of a club email address in this year. We are always trying to make fair group decisions and keep communication lines open.